Sunday, October 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Elder Warburton!!

Today, Gary prayed that there would be someone in England that would help Jared to feel special on his birthday.  After church, I had a friend request on Facebook from someone in England so I accepted it and she sent me these pictures.  A cute Brazilian lady who now lives in England was the answer to Gary's prayer.  Look at that cake!!!  Oh....and bonus....I have a new friend. :)

Elder Warburton's birthday party:  "Hi...I hope you like the pictures.  We tried to make him happy yesterday!  I know this is his first area and I know that the first area is not always easy because they start to learn to be out of our homes and to be missionaries."

1 comment:

  1. Isn't being a missionary mom great when you get these kind of pictures? But isn't it bitter sweet because you are missing your baby's birthday?
