Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31 Email

Dear wonderful people!

This week was great! We have lots of people to teach, so I get to keep busy.

We had our monthly zone meeting on Friday. It's always fun to gather together as missionaries. We had lots of good trainings. We also took a great photo in the leaves.

Autumn is a great season.  Well, other than our zone meeting, nothing too special happened. Here's a funny picture we took.

Well, I hope you all have a fun filled week! Enjoy life and keep up the faith!

I love you all!

Elder Warburton 

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24 Email

Dear wonderful people!

This week was great. I'm now settling in in Cambridge. I love it here! There are so many people to teach! And the ward's pretty friendly. We also have tons of activities because we have lots of YSA aged people. It's super fun.

On Wednesday I got here in Cambridge and I was sick, so I took a nap. Then later in the evening, we taught one of our investigators. He's great.

On Thursday we had a busy schedule. We met with a few of our investigators. That's about it.

On Friday we met with even more of our investigators! Then in the evening, we had sports night. I love sports night.

On Saturday, the sisters had a baptism. Some of our investigators came to that and we taught them afterwards. They really felt the spirit.

On Sunday we had a miracle! We were in sacrament meeting and our phone rang while I was in the bathroom. Two guys from Kazakhstan were calling and they asked if we could teach them more about the church. They came after church and we taught them with our newly called ward mission leader. It just so happens that the ward mission leader served his mission on Moscow, so he spoke Russian with them. It was awesome. So now we're seeing them on Tuesday. They are so cool!

And that's my week here in Cambridge. It's great.

I guess I'll share a spiritual thought.

30 Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me. (Mosiah 26)

We're here to teach repentance to everyone. I know that if we truly repent, God will forgive us. Only then can we move forward.

I love you all!

Elder Warburton 

I am in a trio. I love my companions! They're so great! One of them is
Elder Chong. He's from Singapore. The other is Elder Dunning. The
entire mission says that we are twins. Now after living with him for a
week, I agree.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18 Email

Dear wonderful people!

This week was great! We did lots of fun things. Also I turned 20. I'm no longer a teenager. How sad.

On Monday last week we had a celebration for my birthday. You probably saw my duck beheading and burning video.

On Tuesday, I actually had my birthday. We went to a restaurant with our ward mission leader. It was too much. I had food triplets after that.

On Wednesday we had district meeting and an exchange with our District Leader. After district meeting, we had a funeral for one of the missionaries. He's finishing his mission tomorrow, so we threw a funeral for him. 

After district meeting we had our exchange with the District Leader. We had tacos for dinner. Here's how I eat tacos.

The true Mexican experience.

On Thursday, I can't remember. I'm sure we did something, but it's gone now.

Friday and Saturday was normal missionary stuff.

On Sunday we had our primary program, and we watched the Sunday afternoon session of conference. 

On Monday, we found out about transfers. I'm going to serve in Cambridge ward in a trio! I get a car!

Well, that's all! See you all laters!

Love You!


Elder Warburton 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Birthday Traditions

Elder Warburton celebrating his birthday in the English way...

October 10 Email

Dear wonderful people!

How was your week? Mine was pretty good.

We had interviews with the President and Sister Stevens. I love being able to meet with them personally. They are just so great and I am blessed to be able to have them lead this mission. President Stevens always has some good insight and interviews is the best time to receive of it. 

We also had an exchange with the Zone Leaders. One of the Zone Leaders, Elder Silva, will be going home next week from his mission. I was with him on the exchange. He's such a great missionary. I hope to be more like him before I go home.

Other than that, just normal stuff happened this week. 

I'll share a quote from conference.

"Sharing the restored gospel is our lifelong Christian duty and privilege. Elder Quentin L. Cook reminds us, 'Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ.'"

We need to constantly be aware of the fact that we need to do missionary work. That doesn't mean that we need to always be like the missionaries, knocking on doors and such, but we need to be on the look out for missionary opportunities as we go about our daily life.

I love you all, and I hope you have a brilliant week! 


Elder Warburton 

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3 Email

Dear wonderful people!

This week great! We had an awesome miracle happen to us!

On Wednesday, we went tracting so we could try and find some new investigators, but nothing came of it. So afterwards, we went to the chapel to message some potential investigators. While we were there, we got a phone call from some random guy that I had never met. He said that his name was Jonny, and he had been learning about the church on his own in France. He got in contact with church headquarters and they referred him to us. So he called us and asked us if we could teach him. He was so prepared. He had already studied the restoration, the plan of salvation, the word of wisdom, and a few other things. He's reading the Book of Mormon at the moment and when we had our first lesson with him, we put him on date to be baptized!  He's super good.

We also found a nice couple to teach. They are really good. They are both "church of England", but they go to any church really. When we were talking to one of them, he said that he has lots of faith in Jesus Christ, but he said that he doesn't really believe in the
trinity. So we have the answer to that question and many others that he was telling us about. I'm really excited to meet them again. Also, even better, they live only two minutes from our flat! Miracles everywhere!

Also we got to watch conference this week. I love conference! It's such a great opportunity to learn and grow our testimony. My favorite talk was president Nelson's talk. I love all the ways that  he said that we can be happy, even when circumstances might not make it easy.  I will definitely study that one again soon.

Well, that's about all from this week. We had a great time.

I love you all and I hope you all remember to send me presents for my birthday! ;)


Elder Warburton

P.S. This is our zone